Hair lightening products like baking soda and lemon are well-known. Lemon, once again, makes your hair seem shiny and healthy because of citric acid. Another product that works to lighten hair is baking soda, which is found in toothpaste.
Juice two lemons and combine the two teaspoons of toothpaste for this recipe. After that, work the treatment into your hair. After 20 minutes, wash it out with lukewarm water and proceed to wash your hair as normal.
Step Three: Lip Care A
If you want to exfoliate your lips and remove dead skin while also lightening and softening them, try a combination of toothpaste and lemon.
All you need to make this scrub are these ingredients:
Sugar, toothpaste, and hot water
Juice from two lemons
A spoonful of sugar and one tablespoon of toothpaste make a good mixture.
Using a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little amount of warm water, combine these two ingredients to form a paste. Leave out the lemon if you’re prone to chapped lips.
Put the paste over your lips.
Rub the ingredients together gently for two minutes.
End by rinsing under running water.
Applying lip balm is an important step in maintaining healthy lips.