A mother’s great and very simple trick to clean bathroom tiles

Cleaning the home is a necessary evil if one wants to live in a comfortable and sanitary environment. Regular cleaning is essential for removing imbedded dust, grime, and stains from a variety of surfaces. The chemicals used by some of the store-bought detergents are harmful to both humans and the environment. An Australian mother described a simple but efficient tip for cleaning and shining the walls of her bathroom shower.
Many individuals have opted to switch to natural home goods from their typical brands in an effort to be more environmentally conscious. If you want to know how to clean, degrease, descale, and polish different surfaces in your house, there are plenty of natural detergents you should be familiar with. Apparently this Melbourne mother has a new, game-changing method for effortlessly washing the walls of her bathroom shower, as reported in the Daily Mail.
Eliminating stains with a powerful combination
One Melbourne mother found a simple but very efficient mix of baking soda and bleach after using a number of different items to clean the walls of her bathroom. The mother-of-three posted her wisdom on the Facebook page Mums Wo Cook, Clean and Organize.
Who are the moms? What an incredible suggestion! I couldn’t believe my eyes—it simply took a few minutes and very little work,” she wrote. Bleach is quite effective on its own, but it is dangerous when combined with other chemicals, particularly vinegar. But it won’t do any harm when mixed with baking soda.
The lady made a paste by combining baking soda and disinfecting bleach. After that, she scrubbed the walls with an old toothbrush.
Her satisfaction with the outcome motivated her to tell other stay-at-home moms about it.



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