Family’s Time-Tested Walnut and Onion Cough Remedy

A Treasured Family Recipe for Soothing Coughs

This isn’t just any over-the-counter solution; it’s a cherished concoction passed down from my mother-in-law, revered in our family for its effectiveness in treating coughs the natural way. It’s stood the test of time and has been a go-to remedy in our household for many years.


  • 5 whole walnuts (in the shell)
  • 2 onions
  • 1 liter of water

The Magic of Walnuts and Onions

Walnuts and onions might seem like an unusual combination, but they work wonders when it comes to respiratory health.

  • Walnuts: Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, walnuts are great for overall health, especially for the lungs.
  • Onions: Known for their expectorant properties, onions can help in loosening mucus in the chest, thereby relieving cough.

Let’s Make the Remedy!

  1. Preparation: Start by gathering your ingredients. Make sure the walnuts are fresh and the onions are nicely peeled.
  2. Cooking: In a pot, combine the whole walnuts (with their shells), onions, and water. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. The Waiting Game: Let the mixture simmer until about half of the liquid remains. This concentrates the beneficial properties of the ingredients.
  4. Straining: Once done, strain the mixture. You’ll be left with a potent, health-packed liquid.
  5. Usage: Drink a small cup of this concoction throughout the day. It’s best consumed warm for maximum benefit.

Why This Remedy?



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