A Powerful Natural Treatment That Has Been Handed Down From Years to Years

Parts and pieces:

Parts and pieces:

20–30 milliliters of water

Cinnamon from Ceylons

Sweet honey

Advance planning:

Bring a cup of water to a boil, then add one teaspoon of cinnamon to the water.

After thoroughly swirling the cinnamon, pour the hot water over the cinnamon.

After allowing the mixture to marinate for fifteen minutes, let it to cool down.

Mix in two tablespoons of honey until it is completely incorporated.

Before breakfast, have half a cup, and then before retiring to bed, consume the remaining half of the cup.

It is more than simply a voyage through nostalgia when one rediscovers the combination of honey and cinnamon; rather, it is an examination of nature’s medicine for a healthy way of life. It is possible that this combination is the natural medicine that you have been looking for, whether you are looking to improve your immune system, get better control of your blood sugar, or find relief from arthritis.



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