After every usage, this will keep the oven always clean—not one grease spot.

The oven may quickly become encrusted and stains can develop on all the walls, grills and equipment glass while cooking meals. High temperatures make it simple for stains to dry out even more; the chance of not being able to get rid of them is really great. Consequently, one should turn to sensible natural, green, totally ecological treatments.

A dirty oven is the perfect way to get scale and stains gone.
Using appropriate natural and ecological solutions helps one to clean the oven and eliminate stains and scale from the walls and glass of the appliance. White wine vinegar, lemon and baking soda are the first friend in the house. The good advise is to “soften” the ingrained grime and massage vigorously.

All you have to do is combine two readily obtained natural components from the pantry: lemon and wine vinegar. After the two components have been combined, fill a spray bottle with solution and mist the oven’s glass and walls. After turning on the oven at 180 degrees, arrange the plastic or film bags; the film lets you keep the goods in place free from danger of drying out. Stains and incrustations so are “softened.”

Once the movie is let to run, stains and incrustations will obviously vanish. Should there are more obstinate stains, preheat the oven to a maximum of 50 degrees before washing. Just open the oven after it is heated and add the mixed baking soda combined with citric acid. This is the ideal ecological cleaning to eliminate all scale from the equipment.



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