Fresh Southern Peach Cobbler

The first mouthful of my grandma’s blackberry cobbler, which was decades ago, was the beginning of my passion for cobbler. This delicacy is as easy to make as they come; it has a homely, rustic vibe while yet tasting as good as any fancy pastry you’d get at a pastry shop. When paired with a … Read more

Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Rolls

List of items needed to make a recipe. 2 cups of Alfredo sauce 1 cup of ricotta cheese 1 cup of grated mozzarella cheese 1/2 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese 8 pieces of lasagna pasta 2 cups of cooked chicken, torn into small pieces. 2 pieces of garlic, chopped 1/4 cup of chopped fresh parsley … Read more

In una ciotola mescolare acqua tiepida, latte tiepido, lievito secco, zucchero e 2 cucchiai di farina. Lascia riposare per 10 minuti. Aggiungere al composto di lievito la scorza d’arancia, il succo d’arancia, l’albume, il burro fuso, lo zucchero vanigliato, la farina, il sale e il lievito. Mescolare fino ad ottenere una pasta liscia. Lasciamo riposare finché non raddoppierà di volume. Stendere l’impasto in un rettangolo, stendere uno strato di crema al cioccolato, quindi stenderlo a forma di tronchetto. Tagliatelo a fette. Disponete le fette su una teglia foderata con carta da forno. Lasciarli riposare per altri 15 minuti. Preriscaldare il forno a 180°C (350°F). Spennellare i panini con il tuorlo d’uovo, cospargere con le mandorle a scaglie e cuocere in forno per circa 20 minuti fino a doratura. Una volta cotti, lasciarli raffreddare leggermente, quindi cospargerli di zucchero a velo. Questi deliziosi panini dolci all’arancia sono ora pronti da gustare

Short haircuts for women over 50 vary from short pixies to long neck-length bobs. These chic, timeless cuts and styles match any lady’s ageless beauty. Plus, according to our poll of over 1,000 women in their 50s, 72% felt more confident and liberated with short hair, citing minimal maintenance and bold self-expression as key factors … Read more

Wendy’s Spicy Stew Keep this recipe.

List of items needed to make a recipe. 2 pounds of fresh minced beef 1 container of tomato juice 1 can of tomato purée, 29 ounces 1 can of red kidney beans, 15 ounces, with the liquid removed. 1 can of pinto beans, 15 ounces, without liquid. 1 medium to large onion, diced (approximately 1 … Read more

My nana made this every year but I kept forgetting to write it down. So glad I found something that comes close to hers!

One meal that captures the warmth and fond memories of family reunions is Nana’s Frozen Fruit Salad. This salad first appeared on tables during the hot summer months or as a cool dessert during joyous holiday feasts, when frozen fruit treats were all the rage. Its quirky crunch of nuts and sweet and creamy textures … Read more

Sleeping on your left side can impact your health in unexpected ways.Sleeping on your left side can impact your health in unexpected ways.

The way you sleep can have a big impact on your overall health. There are different ways to sleep, such as on your side, back, or stomach. Sleeping on your left side is recommended. The way you sleep can have a big impact on your overall health. There are different ways to sleep – on … Read more