Do you have any recipes from your childhood that you still crave? Chipped beef on toast is one of those recipes for me.

Creamed Chipped Beef is the ultimate comfort meal. I remember my mother making this for me when I was a child. Such fond memories of beef in a lightly seasoned smooth cream sauce served over toasted sourdough or European whole grain.

This is one of my all time favorite recipes. Did you enjoy this as a child? I remember this was one of those comfort meals that my mother made for me often and eventually she taught me how to make it. It was not until I was an adult that I learned that this treat is most commonly referred to as SOS gravy. I know what you are wondering. What does that acronym stand for? SOS stands for “shit on a shingle.” The shingle being the toast. Now my catholic Mother never told me that. I am sure that she simply did not want me running around using that word.

Creamed Chipped Beef is not the healthiest of recipes but as long as you make it occasionally I think all will be okay. After all a delicious nostalgic recipe that takes us back in time to a happy place can not be all bad.!To Make this Recipe You’ Will Need the following ingredients:


For ingredients and full cooking instructions, continue reading (>)

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