Didn’t Know About This Technique Until Now?

Step-by-Step Guide to Nana’s Egg Freshness Test
Here’s how you can perform Nana’s egg freshness test at home:

Fill a bowl with cold water, ensuring it’s deep enough to completely submerge an egg.
Gently place the egg in the bowl of water.
Observe the position of the egg:
If it sinks to the bottom and lays flat on its side, it is very fresh.
If it sinks but stands upright on the bottom, it is still safe to eat but not as fresh and should be used soon.
If it floats to the top, it is no longer fresh and should be discarded.
This simple check can be done in seconds and provides a clear indication of your egg’s freshness.

Why Nana’s Method Works
Nana’s method works because of the changes in the egg’s air cell. As an egg ages, the contents contract and moisture evaporates through the porous shell, causing the air cell to expand. This increased air pocket affects the egg’s buoyancy. Fresh eggs have a smaller air cell, making them denser, so they lay flat on the bottom. Older eggs have a larger air pocket, which makes them more buoyant and causes them to stand or float. This physical principle is the science behind the simplicity of Nana’s test.

Comparing Other Egg Freshness Testing Methods
While Nana’s water test remains popular, several other methods exist to check egg freshness:

Candling: Shining a light through the egg to observe internal structures, commonly used in agriculture.
Crack Test: Cracking the egg open to inspect the yolk and whites; fresh eggs have firm, well-rounded yolks and thick whites.
Shake Test: Shaking the egg near your ear; fresh eggs should not produce sound, while older eggs might slosh due to thinner whites.
Though effective, some of these methods require experience or equipment, whereas Nana’s water test remains straightforward and accessible to everyone.

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