Here’s what eating 3 dates a day can do to your liver, heart, and arteries

ShutterstockTry combining dates with almonds or cashews for a delicious, high-energy snack. This is because the natural sugar in dates will give you a good energy boost. Not only that, but the vitamins and potassium within help promote brain activity and reactivity in the nervous system, which can keep your body from getting slow with age.
6. Can promote brain health

Remedy Daily
Recent studies have found that dates could have health-beneficial properties that can aid in slowing down development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Dates achieve this by reducing inflammatory markers, such as interleukin 6 in the brain.
Did you know about these benefits? Make sure to add dates to your diet ASAP — and share this article so your friends can do the same!





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