How to Pick a Perfectly Sweet Watermelon: Easy Tips at a Glance ‎‎

Hey there! When you’re anticipating that juicy, delicious bite, picking the right watermelon might seem like a crapshoot. Picking a sweet watermelon might be a bit of a challenge, but with some basic guidelines, you can nearly always get slices that are just as good as you hoped. Learn how to choose the perfect watermelon every time by following these steps.

Observable and Quantifiable Indicators of Sugariness



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Find the “Field Spot”: This is the location where the watermelon grew when it was resting on the ground. Try to choose a watermelon that has a field spot that is either slightly orange or creamy yellow. Sometimes, an underripe fruit may have a white or pale green mark on it.
Verify the Mass: Indicative of its ripeness, sweetness, and water content, a watermelon should feel weighty when picked up.



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