In una ciotola mescolare acqua tiepida, latte tiepido, lievito secco, zucchero e 2 cucchiai di farina. Lascia riposare per 10 minuti. Aggiungere al composto di lievito la scorza d’arancia, il succo d’arancia, l’albume, il burro fuso, lo zucchero vanigliato, la farina, il sale e il lievito. Mescolare fino ad ottenere una pasta liscia. Lasciamo riposare finché non raddoppierà di volume. Stendere l’impasto in un rettangolo, stendere uno strato di crema al cioccolato, quindi stenderlo a forma di tronchetto. Tagliatelo a fette. Disponete le fette su una teglia foderata con carta da forno. Lasciarli riposare per altri 15 minuti. Preriscaldare il forno a 180°C (350°F). Spennellare i panini con il tuorlo d’uovo, cospargere con le mandorle a scaglie e cuocere in forno per circa 20 minuti fino a doratura. Una volta cotti, lasciarli raffreddare leggermente, quindi cospargerli di zucchero a velo. Questi deliziosi panini dolci all’arancia sono ora pronti da gustare

Short haircuts for women over 50 vary from short pixies to long neck-length bobs. These chic, timeless cuts and styles match any lady’s ageless beauty. Plus, according to our poll of over 1,000 women in their 50s, 72% felt more confident and liberated with short hair, citing minimal maintenance and bold self-expression as key factors

What’s great about this length is the home maintenance. According to Canada-based stylist Olivia Berttall, it’s easier to manage when washing and styling. Meanwhile, longer hair can be tiring to brush, blow-dry, and style.



Berttall states, “See how you feel with your locks away from your neck and jaw. Are there points of your face that must be accentuated or softened?” A pixie or bob with bangs can help you enhance your facial structure.

Discuss with your stylist the aspects of your face that you like and don’t like to feature. This helps determine the proper length and texture to suit you best.

Short hairstyles for older women sit best within a certain length, so get a trim every 4-8 weeks. This isn’t for those who don’t have time and budget for regular appointments.

Berttall warns about the cowlicks that may appear on short hair cuts. “Be mindful of your cut, as it’ll either accentuate a split or work in its favor,” she adds.



Before your next hair appointment, check out these popular short haircuts for women over 50.







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