Recipe: Homemade cheese with 1 litre of milk, half a lemon and 1 yoghurt
A very beneficial calcium source
Although milk is well-known to have a lot of calcium, cream cheese is also notable for having a high calcium level. You can help keep your teeth and bones healthy by eating cream cheese.
Nutritionists and dietitians often suggest fresh cheeses to persons trying to shed a few pounds since they are nutrient dense and filling without causing weight gain. Plus, their tasty flavor curbs appetites and keeps you on track.
A multi-purpose accompaniment
You may use fromage frais to make a broad range of tasty, nutrient-rich dishes, and it goes well with breakfast, lunch, snacks, and appetizers.
Home cooking is simple.
You can simply manufacture fromage frais at home, which is a huge plus. Not only will you receive a snack that is 100% natural, but you’ll also have the joy of making your own cheese.
In a jiffy, you can whip up a batch of homemade queso fresco:
Everything you need
● One gallon of milk from sheep;
organic, unsweetened, natural yogurt, one container;
Half of an organic lemon, one (1).
You may also find this dish in a vegan variant. All you have to do is swap out the milk with a combination of almond and coconut milk and add probiotic pills to the yogurt.
Equipment ● One meter of cotton wool gauze (available at pharmacies);
one jar
one mold.
The approach of getting ready.
To begin, gently heat the milk in a pot over low heat for 15 minutes, being careful not to boil.
While the milk is coming to a boil, use a fork or a citrus juicer to extract half a lemon’s juice.
After 15 minutes, take the milk off the heat and slowly stir in the plain yogurt and lemon juice.
Allow the mixture to settle for a minimum of three hours after stirring for a few seconds.
After the allotted three hours, wind your cotton wool gauze many times around itself before setting it in a basin or saucepan;
Use the cheesecloth to strain the mixture, allowing the whey to drain into the pan while the curds are kept intact. If you want all the whey to pour into the pan, push down firmly. ● Transfer the curdled portion to a separate container and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, pressing down with a weight.
Next, remove the cotton gauze and, if you want, open it to add salt to the cheese. After that, put the cheese in the mold of your choosing.
After 8 hours, remove the cheese from its mold and return it to the refrigerator.