Make the Water Changes on a Regular Basis Changing the water every few days is essential in order to stimulate the development of the roots from the plant. The use of cool water helps to avoid the growth of germs and algae, both of which might impede the development of roots. Be patient and wait for the sixth step. It may take many weeks or even months for roots to begin to develop. Take your time and be sure to examine the status of your clippings on a regular basis. When you notice little white roots growing from the cutting, you will know that roots have grown and are ready to be planted. Seventh Step: Transplant into a Container When the roots have reached their full potential, it is appropriate to transplant the cutting into a container that is filled with soil that is both light and well-drained. When transplanting, it is important to avoid damaging the roots in any way. Put the container in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. Taking Care of Your Mango Plant is the Eighth Step It is essential that you offer your mango plant with enough sunlight, water it on a consistent basis, and fertilize it as required in order to guarantee that it will continue to flourish. You should make sure to supply mango trees with the circumstances of warmth and sunshine since they adore these elements. You will be able to cultivate a mango tree from cuttings in water if you follow these methods, and you will be able to eat your very own fresh mangoes in the comfort of your own home. In spite of the fact that you have a restricted amount of area, you will be able to cultivate your very own fruit tree by using this strategy. Therefore, if you want to experience the pleasures of this magnificent tropical fruit, you should go on the journey of cultivating a mango tree.