You are doing it all wrong. Here’s the right way to use eggshells as fertilizer

To unlock their full potential, here is a step-by-step guide to preparing eggshells correctly:
1. Clean the Shells
Rinse your eggshells thoroughly and let them dry to prevent any potential odor or attraction for pests.
2. Crush to Fine Powder
Use a mortar and pestle or a food processor to grind the eggshells into a fine powder. This allows the calcium to break down more quickly in the soil.
3. Mix into Soil
Incorporate the powdered eggshells directly into the soil. This ensures an even distribution and quicker assimilation by plants.
4. Compost Addition
Adding ground eggshells to your compost pile can provide the microbial community with a vital nutrient boost, ultimately enriching your compost.
Application Methods

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